July Yoga News

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Welcome July!  As we move deeper into the summer season that is often full of pool parties, vacations, family reunions, outdoor activities, and BBQ’s, here at Grit and Grace Hot Yoga would like our members to pause and shift awareness to a local organization that we are collaborating with that provides shelter for victims of domestic violence.

No One Alone, www.noonealone.org is dedicated to providing shelter, safety, and support services to victims of domestic violence and their children. This organization serves our neighbors in Dawson and Lumpkin County. On July 23, 2022, the Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office is hosting a BBQ Blast that will offer great food, silent auction, corn hole, and activities for the kids. Consider purchasing a ticket for a BBQ plate that comes with pork & beef BBQ, all the fixings, and of course topped off with banana pudding from Grit and Grace at the amazing price of $15.00. All proceeds benefit the victims of Domestic violence.

As always please accept my deepest gratitude for supporting Grit and Grace Hot Yoga. We are blessed with amazing, talented, and loving teachers who want to share their love of yoga with everyone in the communities of North Forsyth, Dawson, and Lumpkin counties. In honor of the holiday, we have a special class on Monday morning and cancelled our Sunday classes. Enjoy your July 4th!!

