Who believes in you?

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“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me” Jim Valvanos

My father passed when I was three years old. My mother remarried when I was young, so I did grow up with a father figure in my life but I didn’t feel the gift that Valvanos describes from a father who believed in him.

Over the years, expressions of gratitude, feelings of belongingness have come close to that gift Valvanos describes from his father, and yet the place I started to believe in myself was on a mat practicing yoga.

The word “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root `Yuj’ meaning `to join’ or `to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. Practicing yoga gave me the opportunity to `yoke’ confidence and begin to believe in myself. Think about the last yoga class you took, like me you probably experienced a wide range of emotions, conversations with ego, and afterwards felt a sense of accomplishment. Confidence, patience, belief in oneself is just a few of the many gifts from practicing yoga.

Today, I have the gift of believing in myself, so I ask: Who believes in you? Maybe, this question generates thoughts of your father, a friend, loved ones, family, or maybe you are like me it’s on your mat.

At Grit & Grace, its our mission to help you grow your confidence, develop a sense of love for yourself (mind, body and spirit) and gain the gift of believing in yourself.

On this Father’s Day, hug the necks of your fathers, father figures, or the male mentors and thank them for the gifts they bring to you!

To all the amazing Dads out there, Grit & Grace Hot Yoga wants you to know: We See YOU and appreciate you every day, but especially Father’s Day. See you on your mat.
